Friday, August 12, 2022

Salix OS Xfce 14.2 RC1 Has Released, based on Slackware and the lightweight Xfce

Salix is a Slackware-based Linux distribution that is simple, fast, easy to use and compatible with Slackware Linux. Optimised for desktop use, Salix OS features one application per task, custom package repositories, advanced package management with dependency support, localised system administration tools and innovative artwork.

What’s new in Salix OS Xfce 14.2 RC1

  • First of all, we have two new GUI system tools, both developed in-house. The first one, GUEFI, is a graphical boot manager for UEFI systems and therefore is only available on 64-bit installations using UEFI. You can use it to create/delete/edit/rearrange UEFI boot entries and I don’t think there is any other distribution out there with anything similar. Then, we have gtkreposetup, which is the GTK counterpart to the console reposetup tool, and which you can use to select your preferred repository mirror.
  • The installer has been fully localized to several languages by now, thanks to our translators. So, this release can be installed using the installer in English (both US and GB), Dutch, German, Greek, Italian, Spanish (both Spain and Costa-Rica), Swedish and Ukraine. Other translations that were only partially complete were removed at this point, but of course will be included in future releases if they be completed.
  • There are some things that were also removed compared to the last beta. First of all, the autoinstall option is gone from the installer. I realized nobody was using it. In fact, it has been completely broken in the beta and nobody reported it. Also, lilosetup has been removed from the iso. This tool was written by a member that is not active anymore and has fallen back on updates. Since it is more crucial to the SalixLive releases, I expect it will receive some love before those are released…
  • Other than that, all software has been updated to newer versions, translations to all Salix tools has been updated and hopefully all bugs found in the beta have been resolved.

Other than that, all software has been updated to newer versions, translations to all Salix tools has been updated and hopefully all bugs found in the beta have been resolved.

So, you can download this release, either the 32-bit or 64-bit isos, using your browser through Sourceforge, or by using your torrent client. Links are:

Salix Xfce 14.2RC1 (32-bit, i586/i686)
(size: 955MB, md5: 0ad525a2aa650956f299c5310f7b509a)
Sourceforge: … o/download
torrent: … C1.torrent

Salix64 Xfce 14.2RC1 (64-bit, x86_64)
(size: 913MB, md5: 9ded83a0aa109a674fc531c66b050ef3)
Sourceforge: … o/download
torrent: … C1.torrent
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