Wednesday, March 8, 2022

Manjaro Linux 17.0 (Gellivara) Has Released, Update the KDE Plasma desktop to version 5.9.3

Manjaro Fringilla was a great release! Now we are proud to announce our current stable release we call “Gellivara“. It took us more than three months to prepare this new release series for 2017.

Manjaro Linux is a fast, user-friendly, desktop-oriented operating system based on Arch Linux. Key features include intuitive installation process, automatic hardware detection, stable rolling-release model, ability to install multiple kernels, special Bash scripts for managing graphics drivers and extensive desktop configurability. Manjaro Linux offers Xfce as the core desktop options, as well as a minimalist Net edition for more advanced users. Community-supported GNOME 3/Cinnamon and KDE flavours are available. Users also benefit from the supportive and vibrant Manjaro community forum.

The Manjaro Settings Manager (MSM) now provides an easy-to-use graphical interface for installing and removing the many series of kernels we offer. Manjaro’s selection of readily available kernels remains the most extensive of all Linux distribution we know of. At the time of this release, nine kernel-series are available directly from our binary repositories, ranging from the mature & rock-solid 3.10 series to the latest 4.10 release. Additionally we offer two realtime kernel series. Such a wide array of available kernel options results in extensive hardware support, getting the most out of your system for you, be it old or new.

Features of the new release Gellivara:

  • We updated the stock kernel to linux49 4.9 LTS
  • We updated the Xorg-Stack to v1.19 series
  • We updated KDE to its latest components: Plasma 5.9.3, Apps 16.12.3, Framework 5.31.0
  • We enhanced and improved our Manjaro Tools & Profiles
  • MHWD we adopted a more efficient way to handle libglx binaries
  • Some of our themes got updated and new got designed
This release updates the KDE Plasma desktop to version 5.9.3: “Our KDE edition continues to deliver this powerful, mature and feature-rich desktop environment with a unique look-and-feel, and with the perks of Manjaro’s latest tools. We now ship Plasma 5.9 desktop in combination with the latest KDE Applications 16.12. It was a huge step to get it all playing together smoothly and to give the user experience the same feeling as our KDE 4 editions of the past. The Manjaro Settings Manager (MSM) now provides an easy-to-use graphical interface for installing and removing the many series of kernels we offer. Manjaro’s selection of readily available kernels remains the most extensive of all Linux distribution we know of.

Here is the release announcement for the KDE edition and there is a separate one for Manjaro’s Xfce variant. 


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