Tuesday, March 14, 2022

Mate Desktop 1.18.0 is Available PPA For Ubuntu 17.04 Zesty Zelus

MATE 1.18 comes about 6 months after the release of MATE 1.16, during which was developed under the MATE 1.17.x umbrella, packages that some of you were able to install from the testing repositories of your favorite GNU/Linux distributions. Thie release focuses on completing the GTK+3 migration, but also adds new features.

What this means exactly is that the entire MATE desktop environment is now based on the latest GTK+ 3 technologies. GTK+ 3.14 or latest is required to install MATE 1.18, which is no longer compatible with the GTK+ 2 series. All the included applications and components were successfully ported to GTK+ 3.

“We’d like to thank every MATE contributor for their help making this release possible,” reads today’s announcement. “The release is focused on completing the migration to GTK3+ and adopting new technologies to replace some of deprecated components MATE Desktop 1.16 still replied on.”

“Here’s what’s new in MATE 1.18”

Prominent new features of the MATE 1.18 desktop environment release include support for the libinput library for handling touchpad and mouse input devices, updated Caja file manager with support for mouse-based back and forward navigation, notifications when external drives are safe to be removed, and copy pausing/queue functionality.

The accessibility support was greatly improved to help visually impaired users have a better MATE experience, the MATE Panel gets StatusNotifier support, Menulibre support, as well as support for desktop actions. Moreover, the lock screen is now capable of loading the user’s desktop wallpaper instead of the system default one.

Furthermore, it looks like MATE 1.18 updates the notifications with support for action icons, the upower-based hibernate and suspend functions were replaced with their ConsoleKit2 equivalents, support for TTC fonts and a brand-new font browsing mode were added to the font viewer, and the MATE Calculator app makes a comeback.

Further details can be found on the project’s news page. 

How to Install Mate Desktop 1.18.0 on Ubuntu 17.04 Zesty Zelus :

To install Mate Desktop 1.18.0 via PPA Launchpad on Ubuntu 17.10 Zesty Zelus derivative systems, open a new Terminal window and bash (get it?) in the following commands:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-mate-dev/crazy-mate

To upgrade to the 1.18 release from Ubuntu MATE 17.04 zesty zelus, just run full upgrade via command:
sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade

For other Ubuntu 16.04 flavors, you can install the MATE 1.16 via commands:
sudo apt update && sudo apt install mate-core mate-desktop-environment

Once installed, restart your computer and enjoy!
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