Pixeluvo 1.4.5 available for download [ Linux , Mac , Windows ]

Pixeluvo 1.4.5 available for download [ Linux , Mac , Windows ]

Pixeluvo is a beautifully designed image and photo editor for PC and Linux. From simple photo cropping and resizing to complex image manipulation with multiple adjustment layers and masks, Pixeluvo can handle just about all your day-to-day image editing requirements. With its high quality toolset and attention to detail this is software that is simply a pleasure to use.

There is a new release of Pixeluvo hot off the press.

Version 1.4.5 brings some useful improvements to masking, two new colour filters, and a bunch of smaller tweaks and fixes.
You can now right click on a mask and choose “Preview Layer Masks” to see the actual mask itself. Then whenever a mask is active you will see the mask values directly, which can be very useful when working with complex masks.
You can also now create a selection from a colour channel by choosing Select->Select From Channel. If there is a channel that has high contrast between the foreground and background then this can be a useful starting point for creating a mask.
The dodge and burn tool now has support for targeting just the highlights, or just the shadow areas. Also by pressing ‘Z’ you can quickly switch between dodge and burn modes. (Also, pressing ‘Z’ with the brush tool active now toggles the colour between black and white).
Also new are the Photo Filter – for simulating a coloured filter over the camera lens, and the Channel Mixer filter, which can be useful for advanced colour manipulations.
 How To Install Pixeluvo 1.4.5 On Linux Ubuntu/Mint and Debian, open a new Terminal window and bash (get it?) in the following commands:

For Ubuntu/Mint and Debiab 64 bit
sudo wget -c http://www.pixeluvo.com/downloads/pixeluvo_1.4.5-2_amd64.deb
sudo dpkg -i  pixeluvo_1.4.5-2_amd64.deb
sudo apt-get install -f
For Ubuntu/Mint and Debiab For 32 bit
sudo wget -chttp://www.pixeluvo.com/downloads/pixeluvo_1.4.5-1_i386.deb
sudo dpkg -i pixeluvo_1.4.5-1_i386.deb
sudo apt-get install -f
Download For Redhat / OpenSuse 64 bit & 32 bit


After installation has complete you can proceed to open Pixeluvo 1.4.5 from your dash.
Pixeluvo 1.4.5 available for download [ Linux , Mac , Windows ] Pixeluvo 1.4.5 available for download [ Linux , Mac , Windows ] Reviewed by Ubuntu Maniac on 10:36:00 AM   Rating: 5

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