This icon theme for Gnome provides monochromatic icons for panels, toolbars and buttons and colourful squared icons for devices, applications, folder, files and Gnome menu items.
An installation script let you choose the logo of your favourite distribution and the appearance of the main menu icon (Gnome/distrib, monochrome/colour).
Several themes are included to fit with light or dark panels, menus and toolbars.
Please read the README file for useful tips and known issues
Download the tar.gz file and extract it. In the new folder created, run the ./INSTALL script to choose the distribution logo (Ubuntu, by default) and the Gnome menu icon. If run as root, the script will copy the iconsets to /usr/share/icons to made them available to all users. Some default icons used by Rhythmbox and Dockmanager may be also replaced.
Run ./UNINSTALL as root to restore defaults icons.
Faenza 1.3.1 New Feaatures :
* New weather symbolic icons
* New apps: UbuntuOne Music and Ubuntu Online Accounts
* New designs for Twitter, Spotify and adressbook
* Icons for system settings categories on Ubuntu
* Fix some missing links
How to : Install Faenza 1.3.1 Icon Theme on Ubuntu 16.04 ‘xenial xerus’ and Ubuntu 16.10 ‘yakkety yak’ :
Faenza icon theme is available to install on Ubuntu 16.04 and Ubuntu 16.10 and Ubuntu derivative systems via a PPA repository. Open a terminal and run :sudo add-apt-repository ppa:tiheum/equinox
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install faenza-icon-theme
After installation is finished, open unity tweak tool for change your ubuntu icon themes :