Tuesday, June 28, 2022

CherryTree 0.37.1 is Released, Available PPA For Ubuntu Derivatives system

 CherryTree 0.37.1 is Released, Available PPA For Ubuntu Derivatives system
CherryTree 0.37.1 has been released, A GTK text editor and note taking application for the GNU/Linux operating system...

Linux Mint 18 ‘Sarah’ is Available Now For Download

Linux Mint is an open source project that provides users with a completely free and easy to use operating system based...

Friday, June 24, 2022

Calibre 2.60.0 Has Released, Install on Linux Mint and Ubuntu Derivatives

 Calibre 2.60.0 Has Released, Install on Linux Mint and Ubuntu Derivatives
Install/Update Calibre 2.60.0 on Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial Xerus, Ubuntu 15.10 Wily Werewolf, Ubuntu 15.04 vivid...

Dolpin 5.0 Emulator Released, Available For Ubuntu 15.04 ‘Vivid Vervet’ And Mac OSX

Dolphin 5.0 is powered by a revitalized dynamic compiler, requires OpenGL 3.x support (or Direct3D 10 on Windows),...

WineHQ 1.9.13 Has Been Released, Install on Linux Mint and Ubuntu Derivatives

 WineHQ 1.9.13 Has Been Released, Install on Linux Mint and Ubuntu Derivatives
Install/Update Wine 1.9.13 on Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial Xerus, Ubuntu 15.10 Wily Werewolf, Ubuntu 15.04 vivid Vervet, ubuntu...

Install Android Studio 2.1.2 on Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 15.10, ubuntu 15.04 and Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

 Install Android Studio 2.1.2 on Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 15.10, ubuntu 15.04 and Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
Android Studio 2.0 is available PPA for Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial Xerus, Ubuntu 15.10 Wily Werewolf, Ubuntu 15.04 vivid...

Add elementary Add (icon theme) on Your Ubuntu Desktop, Looks Like Elementary OS

 Add elementary Add (icon theme) on Your Ubuntu Desktop, Looks Like Elementary OS
  elementary OS is an Ubuntu-based desktop distribution. Some of its more interesting features include a custom...

How to Upgrade to Linux Kernel 4.6.3 Stable on Linux Mint / Ubuntu Derivative System

 How to Upgrade to Linux Kernel 4.6.3 Stable on Linux Mint / Ubuntu Derivative System
How To install and upgrade Linux Kernel 4.6.3 stable on Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial Xerus, Ubuntu 15.10 wily werewolf, Ubuntu 15.04...

Peppermint OS 7 Has Been Released, based on Ubuntu 16.04 and uses LXDE as the default desktop environment

 Peppermint OS 7 Has Been Released, based on Ubuntu 16.04 and uses LXDE as the default desktop environment
The developers of Peppermint OS have announced the launch of a new version of the lightweight Ubuntu-based distribution....

DDRescue-GUI 1.5.1 (Data Recovery) is Available Deb Package For Linux Mint and Ubuntu Flavours

 DDRescue-GUI 1.5.1 (Data Recovery) is Available Deb Package For Linux Mint and Ubuntu Flavours
DDRescue-GUI 1.5.1 is released, A graphical user interface for the popular GNU ddrescue command-line application For Linux...

Thursday, June 23, 2022

Pidgin 2.11.0 is Released, Multi-protocol instant messaging client on Linux Mint and Ubuntu Derivatives

 Pidgin 2.11.0 is Released, Multi-protocol instant messaging client on Linux Mint and Ubuntu Derivatives
  Pidgin is an open source project that provides users with a multi-protocol instant messaging client that includes...

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Point Linux 3.2 Released, Debian-based Linux operating system that uses the MATE desktop environment

 Point Linux 3.2 Released, Debian-based Linux operating system that uses the MATE desktop environment
  Point Linux is an easy-to-set-up-and-use Linux distribution, designed especially for users who are looking for...

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Fedora 24 is Released And Available For Download

 Fedora 24 is Released And Available For Download
  Fedora is an open source Linux distribution based on and sponsored by Red Hat. It is a consumer operating system...

Friday, June 17, 2022

WineHQ 1.8.3 is Released, Available PPA on Linux Mint / Ubuntu

 WineHQ 1.8.3 is Released, Available PPA on Linux Mint / Ubuntu
How to Install / update WineHQ 1.8.3 on Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial Xerus, Ubuntu 15.10 wily werewolf, Ubuntu 15.04 vivid Vervet,...

Thursday, June 16, 2022

Upgrade to Linux Kernel 4.7 RC3 on Linux Mint / Ubuntu Derivatives

 Upgrade to Linux Kernel 4.7 RC3 on Linux Mint / Ubuntu Derivatives
Linus Torvalds Releases Linux Kernel 4.7 RC3 with a Fix for an NFS Issue, How to Upgrade  Linux Kernel 4.7 RC3...

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

SMPlayer 16.6.0 is Released, Install on Ubuntu / Linux MInt via PPA

 SMPlayer 16.6.0 is Released, Install on Ubuntu / Linux MInt via PPA
SMPlayer 16.6.0 is available for Download, how to Upgrade on Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial Xerus, Ubuntu 15.10 wily werewolf, Ubuntu...

Preise für Datenräume: Warum nicht nur die Kosten, sondern auch Features vergleichen?

Beim Vergleich von Anbietern von Online-Datenräumen sind die Kosten ein äußerst wichtiger Faktor. Datenraum preise zwischen den Anbietern können extrem schwanken und Sie fragen sich, was der Unterschied zwischen ihnen ist. Der Unterschied kann nur eine gerechtere Preisstruktur sein. Wenn sich die Preise ändern, sollten Teams die nützlichsten Funktionen vergleichen, um sicherzustellen, dass sie das bestmögliche Angebot erhalten.